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See The World Save The World (STW) is a non-profit organization, founded in 2010, committed to helping eradicate poverty and hunger and improve living conditions for families and children around the world.


STW partners with international charity groups and organizations, with a proven record of having a positive impact in the communities they sponsor and making a real difference. We select projects that are measurable and offer long-term solutions to specific problems. We then engage by helping to raise funds and create ample awareness to support those projects and put forth the necessary effort through the commitment of our staff, volunteers, and supporters to deliver on our objectives in a year's time.


STW incorporates the concept of "Volun-Tourism" into helping to bring together tourists, and volunteers alike, who share a love for travel and philanthropy. We organize group trips to the areas we are helping to develop and invite our project sponsors and donors to take part in.


"We know how challenging finding the right, responsive, organization to give to can be, especially when the help is needed in a country thousands of miles away. With the growing number of tourists and travelers looking for areas to visit and causes to support, we act as a guide in helping to direct those well-meaning individuals to the regions where organizations we've vetted and collaborated with are in most need of their help. And, where their involvement and financial support can make a greater difference." -Marjory Sheba, President & Founder


See The World Save The World is passionately dedicated to improving lives in impoverished regions of the world by inspiring responsibility, charity and philanthropy in all citizens of the world, through education and travel.



Give to Live. Live to Travel.


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